About the Contest

HCC March Madness

HCC March Madness is an annual event that features 64 beloved books—one of which readers will crown as this year’s champion. Starting on March 10th, readers will vote in match-ups to determine which books will advance to the next round. There are 6 rounds in total, and at the end, one book will be announced the champion. The best part? It’s all determined by YOUR votes!

Looking for ways to support your favourite book? You can tweet, post, or share on social media using the hashtag #HCCMarchMadness. It’s all in good fun, so feel free to champion as many books as you’d like.

The best part of HCC March Madness? One of you will take home everything you need to create the perfect reading nook!

Once you've voted on each match-up, you'll be asked to submit a contest entry via a drop-down menu. If you have any questions or concerns, please email hccontests@harpercollins.com. Sorry, our contest is only open to Canadians, but anyone can vote.

Don't know who to vote for? Download a book to read!

For the duration of the tournament, the e-book editions of ALL 64 books competing in HCC March Madness have a special sale price at all e-book retailers. That's right—you can download books from Kobo, Amazon, Apple Books, and Google for $4.99 or under.

A select number of books with audiobook editions are also down-priced at Kobo and Apple Books! Click through the books on the Brackets page to learn more and get your copies.

Shop the entire HCC March Madness collection here.

Contest Rules & Regulations >>



HCC March Madness begins at 9:00 AM EST on March 10th!

Tournament Timeline:

March 10th — March 12th
Round 1:
See the 64 books in the 2024 HCC March Madness tournament and cast your votes in the first round.

March 13th – March 15th
Round 2: 32 books move forward. Be sure to support your favourites!

March 16th – March 18th
Round 3: HCC March Madness is down to the Sweet 16. Don't miss your chance to vote!

March 19th – March 21st
Round 4: Only the Elite 8 remain. If you haven't read these books, be sure to download them while they are still on sale!

March 22nd – March 23rd
Round 5: The Final 4 are left, but only 1 can be crowned champion...

March 24th
The Final Round: 2 books remain, and your votes will determine the winner of HCC March Madness 2024!

On March 25th, we will announce the winning book.

Everyone On This Train Is A Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson